Academic work

Lectures, publications and supervision.

Strong conceptual and analytical skills, 15+ years of international professional experience in the media and education sector. Strategic corporate development, business development and online marketing in leading positions. Over five years of teaching experience in the fields of marketing, management and media design with a focus on artificial intelligence and machine learning.


IU Internationale Hochschule | 2023 – today

bm – Bildung in Medienberufen | July 2018 – today

HMKW Hochschule für Medien, Kommunikation & Wirtschaft Köln | 2019 – 2020

DAMK Düsseldorf | seit 2021

WAK Westdeutsche Akademie für Kommunikation Hürth | 2021 – 2023

Subjects & specialities


Change, Ethics & Innovation

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Digital Marketing: Web Usability

Digital Marketing: Mobile Marketing

Digital Marketing: SEA & Google Ads

Digital Marketing: Web Statistics Google Analytics

Digital Marketing: Email Marketing

Digital Marketing: Social Media Marketing

Digital Marketing: Online Marketing Strategy

Media design: Digital media production

Basics of design

Image design & composition

Design conception

Usability, UX & UI

Project management (classic and agile)

Brainstorming and creative techniques

Online marketing | usability, SEA, SEO, SMM, newsletter & web analysis

Social Media & Content Marketing

Film basics (synopsis, treatment, storyboard, perspectives, shot sizes and screenplay, planning, production & post-production)

Cross-media publishing

Web design basics (HTML 5 and CSS 3)

Content-Management-Systems (WordPress, Typo 3)


Requirements for Bachelor´s or Master´s theses

In order to know what I expect from you in terms of academic work before you start your thesis, you should have already written a seminar paper with me. This will help you to know the correct formalities of the thesis and my requirements for the source work and thus be better able to complete your thesis. Please prepare a two-page synopsis in advance so that the topic can be clearly defined at the beginning of the thesis and the sources can be evaluated. This will serve as a guide for finding a topic and is a prerequisite for supervision. Formal requirements are the correct citation of at least three journal articles in order to gain an insight into the current state of research.

Selection of supervised theses

Optimizing Usability and User Experience: A Comparison of Digital Interface Design Approaches for Web and App Development

Using agile methods in digital project management: success factors and challenges in the implementation of digital media projects

Cross-media campaigns: strategies for linking digital and traditional media in modern marketing

The influence of color psychology and design principles on the conversion rate in digital sales processes

Efficient multichannel publishing: An analysis of automated workflows in the production of digital content

Social media as a marketing tool: An investigation into the effectiveness of influencer campaigns in the B2C sector

SEO and SEA: Analyzing synergies to increase the visibility and reach of digital marketing campaigns

Interactive storytelling methods: The future of user engagement strategies in digital content marketing

Designing digital media for accessibility: Requirements and implementation strategies according to WCAG guidelines

E-commerce optimization: A study on the importance of user experience and design in online shopping

Inbound marketing strategies in the digital age: How to drive long-term customer engagement through content creation

Collaborative tools in project management: The influence of digital platforms on the efficiency of media productions

Augmented reality in digital marketing: Potentials and limits of new technologies for customer loyalty

Mobile-first design: analyzing the challenges and opportunities of responsive web design in the digital age

Gamification in digital marketing: An innovative approach to increasing interaction and brand loyalty