Hi, I’m Henning a.k.a. 48fps. My full name is Henning Pfeiffer. For over + 15 years, I have created, managed and consulted for numerous businesses, projects and brands emphasizing the use of white space and a less is more aesthetic. I grew up in Witten, Germany, influenced by renowned german design, my beloved family and a lot of fresh ruhrpott air.
My aesthetics reveal my german roots – I am a firm believer in white or black space and clean, elegant design and started 48fps (fortyeight-frames-per-second) in January of 2005 as a digital playground, studio and portfolio. Today, I live in beloved Cologne and have been working as head of marketing and lecturer at bm – bildung in medienberufen and since 2020 at CBS International Business School. Besides, I am a lecturer and academic teacher for media design, online marketing, human-computer-interaction and project management.
Academic Teacher
IU Internationale Hochschule, Berufsakademie für Medienberufe Köln, WAK Fürth, DAMK Düsseldorf, CBS International Business School and HMKW Köln. Member of the Audit Committee, IHK zu Köln.