Henning Pfeiffer

Curriculum Vitae


Highly sensitive people like me are deeply emphatic and can work very productively, conscientiously and creatively in a quiet environment. Driven by an intrinsic motivation, I can think in complex and multi-perspective ways but fluent overstimulation gets me exhausted faster. So, I like to work in intense sessions following a highly productive workflow. 

I like poetic places and love connecting with people through sharing experiences. Sometimes, I travel to clients for sessions where we get to know each other, explore and share thoughts, before I return to my studio in Cologne (Germany) to focus on creation. 48fps is broad-minded, creative and positive thinking with a sense of humor and high work ethic. Since 1999, 48fps has created over 200 creative projects for awesome clients between Witten, New York and Cologne Ehrenfeld, besides working 80% full time. My first article was published in a newspaper when I was 16. And my first website was coded line by line in may 2000.


Master of Business Administration | Digital Management
Thesis: Relevance of Social Media in Customer Akquisition of private Universities. Development of a Tik Tok Advertising Guideline and Marketing Campaign.
Bachelor Professional in Digital Media
Thesis: Concept and Development of a Design and Online Marketing Strategy. 
Crossmedia Design Diploma (SAE Cologne) 
Google-certified Expert | Ads + Analytics 
Online Marketing Manager (IHK) 
Ausbildereignung (IHK) 
Unternehmensberater (IHK)

Henning Pfeiffer, MBA

Creative director, solopreneur and lecturer
Cologne, Germany 

a.k.a. 48fps (fortyeight frames per second) blurring the boundaries between design, marketing, philosophy, education and digital transformation.

Quotes by Henning Pfeiffer

„Modern life is permanent information overload – focus and the ability to evaluate information are essential skills to internalize. Without these skills you have to believe everything you stumble upon.“

„The more complex this world gets, the more I love to simplify things seeking to make the complex clear and beautiful.“






Hi, I’m Henning a.k.a. 48fps. My full name is Henning Pfeiffer. For over + 15 years, I have created, managed and consulted for numerous businesses, projects and brands emphasizing the use of white space and a less is more aesthetic. I grew up in Witten, Germany, influenced by renowned german design, my beloved family and a lot of fresh ruhrpott air. 

My aesthetics reveal my german roots – I am a firm believer in white or black space and clean, elegant design and started 48fps (fortyeight-frames-per-second) in January of 2005 as a digital playground, studio and portfolio. Today, I live in beloved Cologne and have been working as head of marketing and lecturer at bm – bildung in medienberufen and since 2020 at CBS International Business School. Besides, I am a lecturer and academic teacher for media design, online marketing, human-computer-interaction and project management.

Academic Teacher

IU Internationale Hochschule, Berufsakademie für Medienberufe Köln, WAK Fürth, DAMK Düsseldorf, CBS International Business School and HMKW Köln. Member of the Audit Committee, IHK zu Köln.